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In this guide we'll cover the basics of how to smoke meat, breakdown the 9 near popular types of smokers, and provide best practice tips.

Nearly of us already beloved the olfactory property of smoke from a bivouac. At present, imagine that odour absorbed into the softest, juiciest piece of beef you lot've ever had. Smoke a slice of meat and that'south what you get.

Just have you always wondered what exactly it ways to "smoke" meat? Are at that place different smoking methods? How is information technology unlike from other methods of cooking? And why even become to the trouble of doing it in the start identify? A shiny new smoker is glistening on your back porch and you're eager to showtime your first smoke job. Smoking is a fragile science that requires more finesse than grilling brats or burgers.

By the fourth dimension yous complete this article you'll take a full agreement of the various types of smokers and the art of BBQ equally it relates to smoking.

why smoke meat section


Why Bother With Information technology?

If you look up "smoking" meat in the dictionary, the definition yous pull up volition exist something similar: The Cooking Method That Makes Barbecue Real Barbecue. Okay, and so it will likely be something more defined than that merely when people say "smoking meat," they are referring to one of two methods: 1) preserving meat through long exposure to heat and smoke, which dehydrates it and imparts antibacterial properties; or two) barbecuing information technology.

The kickoff method is the more traditional, having been used for thousands of years for preserving meat.

preserving meat in smokehouse

Wikipedia defines smoked meats as: Smoked meat is a method of preparing red meat (and fish) which originates in prehistory. Its purpose is to preserve these protein-rich foods, which would otherwise spoil quickly, for long periods.

The now-more-common utilise of the term is that of barbecuing: cooking meat slowly over indirect oestrus for extended periods (oftentimes 12 to 16 hours, sometimes fifty-fifty more than), while the smoke flavors the meat and gives it a unique flavor and texture. This is the method we're talking most in this comprehensive guide to smoking meat.

pit barrell company

A drum mode smoker by the Pit Barrel Cooker Company. The Pit Barrel Cooker has won our top spot as the Best Smoker Nether $500.

If you recall nigh it, smoking meat (in the barbecue sense) derives from one of the oldest means of cooking used: cooking over an open burn down, where the smoke naturally imparts season into the meat every bit the rut cooks it. And who doesn't honey a adept piece of steak cooked over a burn? It'south a very primal experience.

A mutual misconception among those not in the know is that "barbecue" is whatever kind of meat cooked on the grill, or over open up flame. You'll frequently hear people invite say they are "barbecuing" this weekend, when really, they are merely grilling some chicken and burgers out dorsum.

True barbecue refers only to irksome-cooked meat over indirect heat, flavored by smoke, until it reaches that soft, juicy, delicate country we all know and love.

What Makes Smoked Meat So Special?

We'll be the first to admit that smoking isn't exactly a quick, easy process. It can take all day (and fifty-fifty all night) to get a large pork shoulder or brisket done but right, and a lot of babysitting can become into it, peculiarly when you're just learning. If you're more the sear-and-serve type, the process might bore you. So why fifty-fifty bother?

There are a few reasons to smoke a slice of meat instead of simply cooking it over direct heat – even with the extended try. One reason – and perhaps the most important – is flavour.


Equally the meat sits over the flame, it absorbs the thick, somewhat tangy, comforting flavor of the smoke itself, creating a unique, all-natural, and dare-we-say, smoky, flavor.

People have been doing this to cook and season their food for thousands of years, but thanks to science, we can (to a degree) tell y'all what causes smoked food to sense of taste then good. Smoke contains over 100 different compounds and phenols. Some of these are solids, like ash. Some are gases, like carbon monoxide and dioxide. And, some are liquids, such as water vapor. The exact content of smoke depends on exactly which wood is being burned, how much moisture is contained within it and fifty-fifty how much oxygen is available for the fire to consume.

Much of the aroma and flavour we usually acquaintance with "smokiness" comes from the compounds syringol and guaiacol, respectively. The more of these compounds absorbed into the meat, the "smokier" it will taste. Creating maximum syringol and guiacol may be a likewise complicated for most of united states, just we can control how much smoke nosotros create inside our smokers. Methods include limiting the amount of oxygen and air coming into the fire and using wetter wood to create more than smoke.

You don't want to create too much smoke. That results in a very bitter, acidic flavor that can make your charcoal-broil unpleasant to consume.

The Bawl

Absorbing smoke into the meat also helps create the bark, the nighttime, chewy, spicy and tangy, crust-similar texture that forms on the outside of the meat during the smoking process. The bark is considered 1 of the tastiest parts of the meat and is an of import part of judging smoked meats in competition; information technology's formed by the smoke reacting with the meat, wet and spice rub in what is called the Maillard Reaction more than on that afterward.

The second advantage to smoking meat is that that it creates a softer and much more than tender piece of meat, by virtue of its depression-and-tiresome cooking procedure.

Melt In Your Mouth...

Cooking over loftier estrus tends to dry the meat out very quickly. Whatsoever wet within the meat is substantially blasted out, leaving it tough, dry out and difficult to chew. For delicate meats, cooking over high heat besides ways that you have less command over the terminal product, equally the internal temperature can quickly rise beyond your desired temperature earlier you realize it.

Smoking meat low-and-ho-hum, on the other hand, keeps the moisture from evaporating too quickly, assuasive you to achieve the perfect combination of tenderness and juiciness.

slow cooked brisket

I've got 99 problems, but findin' friends own't one.

More importantly, low-and-deadening cooking allows the fats and connective tissue – collagens - in the meat to slowly break down (return) into something soft. Collagen has a very high melting signal, and when cooked besides apace, dries out and toughens upwardly into something that feels and tastes like rubber, and is just as hard to chew.

Slow cooking, on the other hand, gives collagen time to soften and cook, rendering into a soft, gelatin-like texture. The result? A super-soft, juicy, and tender cutting that tin can be pulled apart and enjoyed. It'll besides be packed total of the meat's natural flavor. It'southward a delectable, melt-in-your-mouth, culinary experience.

That's why barbecue was invented, really. Tradition says that Caribbean islanders who could not afford the more expensive, tenderer cuts of meat merely devised a fashion to render the tougher, chewier pieces (like pork barrel or flank steak) softer and actually edible: cooking them over lower oestrus for hours on end, till all the collagen had rendered.

how it works sectionHow The Smoking Process Works:

Directly and Indirect Heat

There are two ways to melt meat: using direct estrus or indirect heat. Direct heat is how you grill those tasty burgers. But to smoke, you'll be using indirect heat.

direct and indirect heat

A smoker is not required to effectively smoke nutrient

Grilling meat is all nigh using straight hot heat for short periods of fourth dimension, while the key to smoking is to use indirect heat to melt meat at a depression temperature over a long period of time. Basically, a smoker and a grill are polar opposites.

The magic of smoking lies in indirect heat. In other words, y'all're non placing the meat right on top of the flame or heat source; that'due south as well hot and also hard to control. Instead, y'all're letting the heat and smoke from the flame waft over the meat, while keeping it out of the direct path.

Using a dedicated smoker makes cooking with indirect heat uncomplicated. A smoker is uniquely designed to keep the meat out of direct oestrus while still letting smoke reach it and blot.  A good smoker is crafted to ensure smoke and estrus properly broadcast around the meat for an even cook.

Smoking on a Charcoal Grill

If you're smoking on your gas or charcoal grill, withal, you'll need to use 2-zone setup, which splits the grill into a hot (direct heat) zone, for browning and searing, and an indirect zone, for smoking and ho-hum-cooking.

A 2-zone setup is simple to create. On a charcoal grill, simply pile all the charcoal on one side of the grill, leaving the other side empty, and ignite. The side with the coals will burn hot as it usually does, allowing you to sear your steaks and get good browning. But the real magic – for smoking – is on the other side. If y'all own a kettle mode grill you can purchase the tiresome 'n sear, which is an ideal accessory to perfect the 2-zone cook.

slow n sear

Smoking a turkey with the two zone cooking method on a kettle grill with the Boring 'N Sear.

The indirect, away from the dress-down, won't be hot plenty for browning simply will let you cook food at a lower temperature, via convection. Perfect for low-and-slow smoking.

Controlling the size of the fire on the hot side will permit you get the optimal 225ºF to 275ºF needed achieve maximum tenderness and juiciness. It'll take practice, equally you learn the right amount of charcoal to use, and how your smoker behaves in dissimilar weather. But, it's more than than possible with the assist of a expert meat thermometer.

Smoking on a Gas Grill

Setting upwards 2-zone cooking on gas grill is even easier. Just turn on the burners on 1 side of the grill, leaving the others off. Similar with charcoal, it will accept some experimentation to observe exactly which burners to turn on and how high to crank them up. But in one case you have, controlling the temperature and getting it to 225ºF requires fiddling work.

One trick to help keep a consistent temperature using 2-zone cooking is to identify a water pan on the grill. Water absorbs the heat and then radiates it out once more, which helps keep overall grill temperature consistent when the heat source spikes or drops suddenly.

The added moisture from evaporating water tin can besides prevent the meat from drying out, keeping it moist and flavorful.

The Maillard Reaction & The Bawl

Nosotros spend a lot of time talking well-nigh how slow-cooking creates soft, tender and juicy meat, but that's not the but thing that makes smoked meat so delicious. Well-nigh of usa also love that nighttime, chewy, blackened outside full of smoky flavor that we call the bark.

finished smoked roast

Gooey and delicious bark is fundamental for pulled pork.

If you're familiar with the delicious flavour imparted to a steak by a good sear, take that and amplify it 5x, and you lot'll accept an idea of the sensory delight that is a expert crust.

This deliciousness is created by what, in barbecue and in scientific circumvolve, is called the Maillard reaction. The name comes from the French scientist Louis-Camille, who studied the style foods brown when cooking.

The Maillard Reaction is what happens when the surface of a food is heated, and the chemicals and compounds in the nutrient react and change, creating new compounds – thousands of them over the surface of the meat.

Specifically, the amino acids in meat (proteins) beingness heated react with the reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) in the meat, creating new compounds in the process. It's similar caramelization – what happens when you estrus sugar on the stove.
That'south how steaks get their cute sear and smoked meats go that chewy bark – by undergoing a process similar to caramelization, but this time with proteins and fats from the meat, instead of saccharide alone.

The new compounds created by the reducing sugars reacting with the amino acids, all combine to create that crispy, brown texture we all know and dearest, as well as the accompanying flavour.

The reaction begins at lower temperatures but gets faster and more intense at higher heats – hence why throwing a steak on the grill browns it and so more quickly than smoking a brisket at 225°F. Caramelization, on the other hand, doesn't really occur until about 300°F.

The Maillard Reaction too helps create one of the almost comforting aromas in existence: that of cooked meat. This aroma is the result of methianol, a chemical compound of α-dicarbonyl, itself a compound created in the Maillard reaction, and the amino acrid methionine. So if you desire really delicious-smelling meat, maximizing the Maillard reaction can aid.

The Proverbial Stall

The Maillard Reaction is super important to getting a really-good piece of charcoal-broil. Simply it requires some exact atmospheric condition in order to accept place.

For one, you need to be cooking with a dry estrus. Wet can slow down the process or even sabotage it and prevent that bark from forming, every bit information technology essentially keeps the meat from getting above the boiling signal.

This is why "The Stall" when smoking a meat is essential for excellent bark; the water in the meat must be present to break downward the water-soluble ingredients in the rub, simply also needs to dry out out earlier turning into bawl. Riding out "The Stall" gives the moisture more than fourth dimension to brown. This is also why, if y'all decide to skip pass the stall by wrapping the meat in foil you lot'll cede consummate evolution of the bawl in exchange for a reduced cook fourth dimension.

To really become a good bawl, yous can also assist maximize browning by sprinkling with some sugar, giving the amino acids more fructose and glucose to piece of work with to create maximum browning. Oil liberally, besides, as oil conducts oestrus better than just air. Removing any excess fat can aid as well.

Another tip: turn the meat oftentimes which slows downwardly the cooking within the meat, past essentially cooling each side of the meat, and and then gives the exterior more time to brown.

As for sugar, using a chip in your rub will help maximize browning when cooking depression and slow. However, besides much or cooking at high temperatures will cause the sugar to burn and blacked – non what you're trying to achieve.

How Long Will It Take?

Fume times vary widely. The chart provided higher up is a crude estimate on what y'all can await for various cuts of meat, also as platonic doneness temperatures.  But it's difficult to provide a one-size-fits-all solution here. Factors that issue cook time include: size of cut, cooking temperature, how much salt at that place is, moisture, and even the weather.

With that said, information technology's possible to give a loose estimate: for a brisket or pork butt, approximate about 1.v hours per pound at 225°F. That ways an 8-pound brisket volition take roughly 12 hours. Creepo that up to 275°F and you could achieve a similar result in almost half the fourth dimension.

The caveat is that sure things can brand information technology take longer. A very moist piece of meat takes longer because water content causes the meat to "sweat", essentially. And a cold, windy night tin drive estrus abroad and cooking times up.

So a rule of thumb is but that. To make certain your meat is cooked properly and safely, you actually need to monitor information technology with a reliable meat thermometer.

Time & Temperature for Doneness

Internal Meat Temperature

The smoker's internal temperature isn't the just the temperature that requires your attending. The final internal temp of the meat is a vital piece of the puzzle for ensuring both platonic tenderness and doneness, and safety.

Meat tin can harbor diverse pathogens, such equally the particularly nasty E. Coli and Salmonella. To impale them, the USDA recommends that beefiness and pork chops and steaks exist cooked to at to the lowest degree 145°F, while chicken be cooked to 165°F. At these temperatures, you tin can be certain that your food is completely safe to eat.

Unfortunately, nearly of us find that cooking food to these temperatures is also much. A steak cooked to 145°F volition exist encroaching on medium-well territory, far also done for most steak lovers. A chicken breast cooked to 165°F is dry and chewy, not juicy.

Thankfully, a closer reading of the USDA standards shows that's it's not totally necessary to melt your meat to those exact numbers. The numbers listed are the temperatures at which pathogens are killed instantly, but they can exist also be killed if exposed to lower temperatures for longer periods of time.

cooking to proper tempeture

Beefiness, for ane, can exist pasteurized if held at 135°F for 37 minutes – although you probably won't want to wait that long.

Most of the states who like a proficient steak are probably just going to have our chances with rare or medium, since whatsoever leaner on the surface will already have been killed. And when it comes to pork, the traditional threat has been trichinosis, which has been all but eradicated in the Unites States over the past few decades.

Luckily, when smoking meats similar pork butt or brisket, nosotros don't have much to worry about, as our target temperature is unremarkably between 195°F and 205°F - plenty hot enough to kill all dangerous bacteria.

The only accurate way to know all this is to employ a meat thermometer. When smoking, you'll want a specialized Wi-Fi or Bluetooth thermometer to let you lot keep an eye on your charcoal-broil over the course of a 12-hour smoke. At the very to the lowest degree, you'll need an instant read thermometer for checking doneness. Avoid relying on unproven "hack" methods for checking doneness.

cook times and doneness chart

Smoking Meat Temperature Crook Sheet

 Grill (AKA Ambient or Pitt) Temperature

Grills normally operate around 400°F while a smoker is best effectually 225°F.

Meats don't all cook the same way and throwing a pork barrel or brisket onto a flaming grill wouldn't exactly plough out the way we'd similar it to. The loftier heat will accept caramelized the outside of the meat – via Maillard Reaction – long before the inside has a chance to oestrus. Leave it on likewise long, and it volition simply fire on the outside, with a layer of dry, unappetizing meat beneath information technology.

A general rule of thumb is that the thinner the meat, the college rut. The thicker the cutting, the lower the heat. That'south why we throw steaks on the grill for just a few minutes, but a roast takes all solar day.

While the high heat from the flame cooks the outside of the meat, the inside is cooked by the radiant heat coming in from the outer layers of the meat. You need to requite ample time for the rut to migrate throughout the roast, allowing information technology to reach the desired internal temp before the outside burns or crusts beyond a desirable betoken.

Cooking low-and-tedious also lends more control over the cooking process, ensuring you don't overshoot and dry out the barbecue. There'due south room for mistake, and small heat flareups don't ruin the food.

The traditional temperature for smoking brisket or pork butt is 225°F, which gives the most control and results in the juiciest concluding production. Many people, withal, find that 275°F gives solid results in much less time, results good enough to satisfy most casual charcoal-broil fans. 300°F is another possibility when you lot're in a fourth dimension crisis, just the meat will likely become noticeably less juicy and tender. For beginners, I always recommend smoking between 225°F to 250°F.

Is Smoking Meat Safety?

Cooking meat low-and-slow is as safe as any other cooking method, provided it's done right.

Since pathogens are killed instantly at temperatures 165°F and to a higher place, the exterior of the meat – where near bacteria is – will be pasteurized virtually immediately once stuck on the smoker at 225°F-275°F, just as if searing. If the temperature remains at 225°F or to a higher place the unabridged melt time, information technology will remain safety to consume - provided the inside is cooked to safe temperature as well.

Be sure to thoroughly thaw your meat before putting it on the smoker. Since you're cooking at depression temperatures and because a pork shoulder or brisket is large, whatsoever frozen meat in the middle can take too long to thaw on the smoker, spending too much time in the "danger zone" between 40°F and 140°F. It'll also accept longer to fume; additionally, equally your meat thaws on the grill it will cause more moisture to drip on your coals, cooling them down in the process.

how to smoke meat sectionHow to Smoke Meat: BBQ FUNDAMENTALS

At present the good part.

We're going to go into item about how to smoke the ultimate piece of barbecue. A delicacy and so smoky that your neighbors will be clamoring at the door for a piece and so tender that died-in-the-wool barbecue fans - from Santa Maria to San Antonio – will exist asking for how you lot did information technology.

Hyperbole? Maybe. But arm yourself with the know-how in this guide and set your next barbecue the correct way, yous might only find yourself with a brisket that skillful.

Selecting a Meat for BBQ

Y'all tin can have the about expensive smoker money can purchase and all the fourth dimension in the world, just if you don't start with a good cutting of meat your dreams of barbecue badassery may never take off.

There are a few general pointers you may want to take when selecting the right meat for barbecuing.

Make sure it's from a high-quality source.

Discount pork from the back of the freezer at Mega-Box Grocery might be cheap, just it's likely old and pumped full of fillers and a gross saline solution (that "three% Added H2o" you also run across in packaged chicken breasts). This solution oozes out as you melt, which is both unpleasant and can ruin the final cooked temperature.

Instead, head to your local butcher where the meat is less likely to incorporate fillers, is usually fresher, and comes from higher-quality sources.

If the thought of avoiding budget meats scares y'all, don't worry.

You don't take to dish out on grass-fed, or expensive cuts of steak

Fattier, Tougher (AKA Cheaper) Cuts Work Great for Smoking.

No need to dish out for tender, option cuts when smoking. Fattier, tougher cuts frequently work all-time, thanks to the science backside smoking and how information technology renders tough cuts of meat then tender after hours of depression-and-slow cooking.

Remember, that'southward why barbecue was invented: to find a apply for those cheap and tough cuts of meat that nobody wanted -inedible when cooked over direct heat - and plow them into something soft, juicy and downright delicious.

For the best season and perfect barbecue, need to expect for cuts of meat with plenty of fat and collagen. These will provide plenty of wet for the meat as it sits in the smoker, slowly tenderizing, melting and rendering into a giant, juicy, cut full of natural, meaty flavor. It's better to take a slice of meat with plenty of Intramuscular fat and collagen instead of one with just a giant fatty cap, as this will allow it to infuse throughout the entire slice of meat. Additionally, fatty caps cover large sections of the meat's exterior, this is not conducive to yielding a tasty crust. This crust, often referred to every bit 'bark', is key to the perfectly smoked peice of meat; more on this after.

So, in short, don't be afraid of the tougher and cheaper pieces of meat. Given adequate time and heat in the smoker, and they'll turn out more tender than a ribeye.

Popular Meats for Smoking

Now that we know what we're looking for, let's look at some solid standby options.


More often than not considered the king of charcoal-broil cuts. It's cheap, chewy, and difficult to brand with other methods, but when smoked for x or 12 hours, is just the right amount of tender and succulent for a good sandwich - especially when that smoky crust is done just right. The downside is to brisket is that information technology's one of the more expensive BBQ cuts and is less forgiving for beginners.

Pork Butt

Pork Butt (AKA boston butt, pork shoulder, picnic shoulder, among other names) is the 2d most pop choice for smoking, later brisket. Popular in the Southward as the traditional cut of choice for pulled pork, information technology's generally got tons of fat and connective tissue, making for a very soft, juicy cut, and usually comes in 4-8-pound chunks. Pork butt is also cheaper than brisket, and more forgiving. If you're smoking for the first fourth dimension, try a pork barrel for the best results.


Another favorite; who doesn't relish the meaty sense of taste of fall-off-the-bone ribs, paired with the correct barbecue sauce? Ribs have the right ratio of fat, meat and connective tissue holding them to the bone to soften up afterward a long fume; they as well don't need as much time on the smoker as big cuts. Similar brisket, nonetheless, they can be unforgiving if non done correct, and can take some getting used to.

Other BBQ Ideas

Some meats are more than reliable than others, but that doesn't mean you lot tin can't take a bit of fun; barbecue is perfect for experimenting with unconventional cuts of meat, as the low-and-tedious process leaves plenty of room for trial and error.

For example, try smoking some chicken wings; they're cheap, pocket-size and quick, and succulent when fall-off-the-bone tender.

smoking tomatos for salsa

Smoking tomatoes and chilies for a tasty homemade salsa.

Y'all tin throw a lot more than than meat on the smoker, besides; smoked tomatoes are delicious as a topping or side and can even be turned into a smoky sauce. Common cold smoke some cheese, which pairs well with salami and crackers. Or, endeavour the former standby smoked portobello mushrooms, which piece of work both as a side for your barbecue or on their own as a vegetarian entrée.

Preparing the Meat

Earlier y'all put the meat on the smoker, there are a few things you need to exercise to get it ready, depending on cutting of meat.

To Trim or Not To Trim?

If you're smoking a pork butt or brisket, ane of the beginning questions you'll encounter is – do you remove the fat cap, or not?

The answer? Yes, if you want to.

trimming fat of brisket

We touched on this earlier, when discussing how to select your cut.  Contrary to popular belief, the fat cap will non penetrate the meat as it melts. Meat is too dense, too as mostly water. Fatty is oil. The 2 don't mix.

Leaving the fatty on or not doesn't make a huge deviation for almost of us.

Perchance if your using a standard grill to smoke you tin leave it on, as information technology can provide a layer of protection from straight heat. Still, the fatty cap will trap moisture in the meat, you may not get as good and crispy a bawl.  And speaking of the bawl, if information technology covers a big portion of the meat's outside this is surface expanse that gets rubbed with seasonings only to be scraped off at the tabular array, at which time you lose all the tasty flavors.


If you're merely starting out, we recommend removing the fatty pad just to brand to things easier and to create a ameliorate bark. Yous're not going to eat the fat, anyhow. Every bit yous gain more experience, you can experiment with leaving it on and see what you similar ameliorate.

So, go ahead and trim that fat pad as closely every bit possible. A neat, nicely shaped piece of meat all the way effectually helps information technology cook more evenly.

Tying (or trussing)

The expression "trussed upwards like a turkey" refers to when a turkey (or craven) is tied upwards neatly for roasting on a spit or even in the oven. But is this necessary when smoking, and for other cuts of meat?

when to tie meat

You lot might find that your pork butt comes tied upward when you get it at the store. That'southward normally just to make a particularly large or unevenly-shaped roast fit a chip more uniformly into the packaging.

If that's the instance, it can exist useful to go on the cord on when smoking it, keeping any flaps of meat or odds and ends from cooking faster or slower than the main roast. If your pork butt is already evenly shaped, trussing is not necessary.

Trussing is most vital is with chickens and turkeys, notwithstanding. Since these birds are (quite obviously) shaped irregularly – with legs and wings – tying it upwards makes a neater, more than compact packet. This tin assistance it melt evenly, but also makes it easier to plow and move oft - essential for grilling or smoking. Information technology'll besides prevent the peel from splitting.

The takeaway: truss up birds before cooking, and if your pork barrel/brisket/etc has lots of uneven flaps, think about tying them up too.

rubs and sauces for meat


Properly seasoning meat can hateful many things to many people. The i affair everybody can agree on is table salt.

Salt does 2 things: it penetrates the meat and helps tenderize it, making it easier to chew and more pleasant to swallow. It too makes information technology juicier, helping moisture migrate farther into the meat and stay at that place during cooking, so information technology doesn't dry out out too chop-chop.

2d, salt adds season. Rather, it "brings out" the flavor. An old saying in culinary circles is that meat is flavorless in the absence of salt and fat. Thankfully, a good barbecue recipe has all three.

A practiced dominion of thumb when deciding how much common salt to apply, go with virtually 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt per pound or if using table salt become with 1/iv teaspoon per pound.

Calculation table salt to meat suppresses bitter flavors, enhances sugariness, and helps increase gustation bud usage. The result? The meat tastes that much better.

Later salt, the nigh important seasoning is pepper. Pepper adds some spice that helps balance out the salt, ensuring a well-rounded profile on the palate.


For most brines, all yous need is a hefty dose of salt applied evenly into the meat, and given adequate time to penetrate. This is commonly called a dry brine. Salt is nigh the only seasoning that will penetrate the meat.  Additionally, salt literally attacks tough proteins to help break them down through a process chosen denaturation. I oftentimes wonder virtually dry brine recipes that telephone call for seasonings and herbs since so piddling of their aromatics will be pulled into the meat.

Brining is best for poultry and fish since these meats contain very little fat which is what makes meats rich and juicy. A brine is really salty, simply don't worry, if done correctly the meat will not taste over salted.

A wet brine, on the other hand, is a solution of salt and other spices – mixed into water. Sometimes it as well contains acids, such as vinegar or lemon juice, to further tenderize the meat. Letting the meat marinade in brine for several hours (sometimes up to 24) allows it to absorb more moisture, every bit the salt penetrates the meat and brings water with it. This moisture will remain during cooking, translating into a juicier finished product.

Be conscientious non to overdo it or you'll stop up with mushy, unappetizing meat.

Salt and acrid soften the outer layer of the meat, and leaving it unattended for too long can cause it to break down too much, resulting in a soft texture that only doesn't look – or gustatory modality – the way we're expecting.

Dry Rubs

You'll want to add a rub to your meat just before smoking it. Unlike table salt, the herbs and spices in dry rubs don't penetrate the meat and stay solely on the surface. For that reason, they don't need to be applied more a few minutes before throwing the meat on the smoker. Rubs are usually made with only a few ingredients; you want to add season without overpowering the meat. The base of operations of a good rub is usually salt, carbohydrate, pepper, garlic, and onion. From here you tin add any spices or herbs you like to make your very own unique flavor.

Dry rubs are used in a lot of regional barbecue styles. Santa Maria Tri-Tip, for instance, uses a mixture of blackness pepper, lots of garlic pulverisation, onion pulverization, and some cayenne and possibly paprika for a tangy, spicy flavor. Many dry rubs also include sugar, which adds some sweetness and helps the meat caramelize.

While the simplest charcoal-broil recipes usually just call for a liberal coating of salt and pepper, many traditional recipes from different corners of the land telephone call for a dry rub – a hefty mixture of spices and herbs, in addition to salt and pepper. Pretty much everything from chili pulverisation to jerk seasoning is a dry rub and finding the right one is mainly a affair of personal taste; experiment with some of your own recipes to find what yous like y'all best. We've hand picked a few rubs to try out beneath.


Few things elicit as many stiff emotions among charcoal-broil lovers as the sauce being slathered on. Carolina barbecue fans dear their vinegar-based sauces, while Texas-mode aficionados may not care most the sauce all that much. A Kansas City eating house might give you dozens of sauce choices.

There's a lot of sauces to endeavour out in that location, and if you wish to experiment, it'southward not hard to come upwards with your own – whether tomato or vinegar-based.

In classic charcoal-broil, sauce isn't applied until the meat is removed from the smoker, and at the discretion of those partaking.

Get Started

slow cooked brisket

Beginner'due south Brisket Recipe (KISS)

Top Geek

Wrapping the brisket helps speed upwardly the cooking procedure while reducing novice challenges that ascend when attempting to maintain a proper charcoal pit surround for an extended duration of ten+ hours. Allowing the brisket to sit overnight in a dry salt brine is another way to protect the meat against less than platonic pit environments.

Prep Time 45 mins

Cook Time 12 hrs

Course Chief Course

Cuisine American

  • Smoker / Grill

  • Chimney

  • Charcoal

  • 10 lbs Brisket Trimmed
  • one/ii cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/iii cup Kosher Salt Skip if brined
  • i/three loving cup Paprika
  • 1/3 loving cup Chili Powder
  • 1/iv cup Blackness Pepper
  • Trim fat, employ rub, bring smoker/grill to 225°F

  • Place brisket in smoker until internal meat temperature reaches 165°F (about 7 hours)

  • Remove brisket to wrap in butcher paper (or aluminum foil) place brisket back in smoker/grill until the signal (thickest end of the brisket) reaches 200°F.

  • Check for doneness past probing the flat (thinest end of the brisket) for tenderness. One time tender remove brisket.

  • Go out brisket wrapped and allow it to rest for at to the lowest degree 45 minutes before slicing. Serve and savour.

If y'all brine the brisket do not add together the salt into the rub.

Keyword bbq, brikset, charcoal, smoking

pork in smoker

Beginner's Classic Pulled Pork (Buss)

Top Geek

Unproblematic, tasty, and plentiful. This is the easiest and most basic pulled pork recipe, perfect for simply about whatever occasion. It's a lot simpler than many others, making it the perfect option of smoked meat for sandwiches, slathering with sauces, etc.

Prep Fourth dimension 45 mins

Melt Time 10 hrs

Course Main Course

Cuisine American

  • Smoker / Grill

  • Chimney

  • Charcoal

  • 7 Lbs Pork Butt Trim fat cap
  • 3 tbsp Class Ocean Common salt
  • 3 tbsp Paprika
  • i tbsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 tbsp Brown Saccharide
  • 1 tbsp Dry Mustard
  • Mix the dry ingredients together in a minor bowl and rub the resulting blend all over the pork butt, massaging and patting it into the meat. Embrace and refrigerate for at to the lowest degree 1 60 minutes, or up to overnight.

  • First your grill or smoker, bringing temperature to 225°F.

  • Place pork butt in smoker until internal meat temperature reaches 201°F (most 9 hours).

  • Remove pork butt from smoker, wrap in foil and allow to residuum for 30 minutes before pulling.

Skip the salt if the meat has already been brined.

To speed upwardly the cooking process you tin can wrap the pork butt in foil or butcher newspaper for two hours when it begins to stall (around 165°F); once internal meat temperature reaches 185°F unwrap and continue cooking until removing from the smoker when internal meat temperature reaches 201°F.

Keyword boston butt, pork butt, pork shoulder, pulled pork, smoking


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